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Sandra works in several mediums, allowing for greater experimentation and exploration.

She works from her own photographs and on-site sketches. Embracing the subject, she investigates and reinterprets the image in a way that is different from the traditional portrayal of a purely realistic rendition of the subject. Her work consists of many small focal details as opposed to one obvious single view. In doing this, she plays with the positive and negative impressions of nature.

She is in search of the untouched and finds the untamed Eastern Cape landscapes captivating. She doesn’t deliberately look for subject material but rather journals her travels in the Albany Thickets. Sandra also draws inspiration from her lush garden.

Water Under The Bridge

"I want people who cannot reach the uninhabited places that I do, to explore them through my art."

Birth copy.jpg
Water II
Water III

Artist Resume

Born in 1960 in East London, South Africa
Resides and works in Bathurst, South Africa

Education and Training
1978:  Matric pass with distinction in art, Cambridge High School,
            East London, SA
            Headmaster’s Award for Art, Cambridge High School,
            East London, SA
1979 - 1980:  Fine Art, East London Technical College Art School,
            East London, SA
1990:  Diploma in Fine Art, East London Technical College Art School,
            East  London, SA   
2005:  B. Tech. Degree Cum Laude in Fine Art, Walter Sisulu
            University, East London, SA

1990:  Jack Lugg Trophy for Fine Art Student of the Year, East London
            Technical College Art School, East London, SA

Group Exhibitions
1981 - 1983:  Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibitions, Ann Bryant Gallery,
            East London, SA       

1984:  Round Table, University of Transkei, Umtata, Transkei

1985:  Exhibition, City Hall, Umtata, Transkei

1986:  Transkei Fine Arts Society, Rotary Room, Umtata, Transkei

1987:  African Women Collages, Grass Roots Galley, Durban, SA

1998:  Three Woman Art and Soirée, 1820 Settlers Association,
            Grahamstown, SA

2000:  Collaboration with Bernard Barry, National Arts Festival,
            Makhanda, SA

2001:  Collaboration with Bernard Barry, National Arts Festival,
            Makhanda, SA
            ‘Erotica’, Thomas Art Consultancy, SA

2005:  B. Tech Final, Ann Bryant Gallery, East London, SA
            ‘Paperworks’, National Arts Festival, Makhanda, SA
2009:  Group Exhibition, National Arts Festival, Makhanda, SA

2011:  'Passion Play', Lady Grey, SA 

2012:  ‘Stock-Art and the Animal’, The Art Business, Piketberg, SA
            ‘Flesh’, The Art Business, Piketberg, SA
            ‘African Flame’, D-Street Gallery, Stellenbosch, SA

2015:  Exhibition, Floradale Fine Art Gallery, East London, SA

2016:  ‘Erotica’, Moór Art Gallery, Franschhoek, SA

2017:  Year-long showing, Gallery 91, Somerset West, SA
           ‘Lushington’, National Arts Festival, Makhanda, SA

2018:  Collaboration with Brian Hammond, National Arts Festival,
            Makhanda, SA
            Exhibition, Floradale Fine Art Gallery, East London, SA
            Exhibition, Studio G, Bay Hotel, Camps Bay, SA
            Exhibition, Studio at 54, Makhanda, SA
2023:  'Serein', Stilbaai Galery, Stilbaai, SA 
2023:  'Peep Show', Ann Bryant Art Gallery, East London, SA 
2023:  'FYNbos', Stilbaai Galery, Stilbaai, SA 

2023 - 2024:  Four works - Birth, Castle Rock, Evening Fireflies and
            Passages, The Gallery at Grande Provence, Franschhoek, SA

2024:  Four Views Of The Eastern Cape, Ann Bryant Art Gallery,
             East London, SA

Solo Exhibitions

1998:  Retrospective Exhibition and Opening, CVD Gallery (owner),
            East London, SA
1988 - 2010:  Exhibited in own gallery, East London, SA

2008:  ‘Hidden Places’, Latimer Hall, East London Museum,
            East London, SA
2012:  ‘Country Life’, Lady Grey Arts Academy, Lady Grey, SA
2013:  Sandra Thomas, Belgravia Art Centre, East London, SA
            Sandra Thomas, Ann Bryant Gallery, East London, SA

2014:  ‘Colours of Drought’, Gallery on Leviseur, Bloemfontein, SA

2016 to date: Exhibits in own gallery, Just Off Centre, Bathurst, SA

2019:  ‘Walk With Me I‘, Carinus Art Centre, National Arts
            Festival, Makhanda, SA
            ‘In And Around’, Floradale Fine Art Gallery, East London, SA

2020:  ‘Passages’, Carinus Art Centre, National Arts Festival

2021:  ‘Walk With Me II’, Carinus Art Centre, National Arts
             Festival, Makhanda, SA

2022:  ‘Walk With Me III’, Carinus Art Centre, National Arts
            Festival, Makhanda, SA
2023:  'My Sanctuary', Carinus Art Centre, National Arts
            Festival, Makhanda, SA

2024:  'Thicket Impressions', Carinus Art Centre, National Arts

            Makhanda, SA

2024:  Featured Artist, Battiss Art Festival, Somerset East |
            KwaNojoli, SA

Commissions and Special Projects

1986:  Mural 8m x 2m, Anglo American & De Beers, Transkei, SA
            Two collage paintings, In-Service College, Umtata, Tranksei
            Ethnic collage paintings, University of Transkei, Umtata,

1988:  Christmas card, SA Embassy, Umtata, Transkei

1988 - 1989:  Design and development of beading and textiles,
            Mzamba Craft Village (Transkei Small Industry Development
            Organization), Umtata, Transkei
1988:  Commissioned by Transido. Stand designs for Manpower
            Careers Exhibition. Transkei Forest and Industry and Ohlssons
            Breweries. Trade Exhibition, City Hall, Umtata, Transkei
            Commissioned by Transdio. Stand designs for Langeni Forest
            Products, Saw Mills and Conservation, Agricultural
            Exhibition, Showgrounds, Umtata, Transkei

1989:  4  x children’s dining room murals, 2m x 1.8m, Umngazi River
            Bungalows, Port St  John’s, Transkei
            Goat character for Keep Transkei Beautiful Campaign, Transkei
            Development Corporation, Umtata, Transkei
            Crested Crane logo design, Transkei Wildlife Society, Umtata,
            Centenary T-shirt design, Umtata High School, Umtata,

1992 - 1994:  Cover art for a new range of CDs, Barkrose, SA

1994:  Four etchings, Selborne College Heritage Foundation,
            East London, SA

1995:  Badge design, Rotary International, SA

1997 - 2000:  26 oil paintings for nine stores, Juicy Lucy stores, Natal,
           Western and Eastern Cape, SA

1999:  Large painting for the boardroom, Department of Tourism,
            Bhisho, SA

2000-2011:  Eastern Cape landscape paintings and drawings. Various
            private collectors from Australia, Belgium, Germany, Great
            Britain,  Spain, Canada, USA, The Netherlands and South
            Africa, own  gallery:  CVD Art Gallery, East London, SA

2006:  Logo design, Guild of Needle Workers, East London, SA

2008:  Two paintings, ‘Waterboys’ and ‘Sweeties’ to represent
             East London, SA in Leiden (sister city),  Netherlands

2009:  Two oil paintings, SA Department of Arts and Culture for
            World Focus 1325
            'Angels' painting for Clarendon High School For Girls, 
             East London, SA
2010:  Eastern Cape Aloe Ferox painting for Transkei Tourism
            Boardroom, Bisho, Tranksei
            Mosaic and beaded columns for the foyer of the Bisho
            Legislature, Bisho, SA

2011:  Two Eastern Cape landscape paintings for reception
            lounge, Bhisho Legislature,  Bhisho, SA

2018:  Mural for Fritz Teroerde, Germany, for residence in
            Kleinemonde, SA

2019:  ‘Wagon Tracks Through Bathurst’, Emma Cooper Design,
           Makhanda, SA

2024:  ‘Newlands Forest Stream', Cape Town, SA

2024:  Stained Glass Panel, Marilyn Adams, East London, SA 

2024:  ‘Fallen’, Scot Watson, United Kingdom

©2024 | Sandra Thomas 

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